Synchronize with a higher consciousness. 


Sync up, sync in.

SyncSF is a cannabis health, wellness, and social equity brand aiming to foster human connection to self and others, higher consciousness, and healing.

Through authentic connections, community engagement, and inclusive business practices, cannabis can, and should, be accessible to all. Whether you want to target a more diverse audience or bring your flower to market, Sync is here to support your goals.

Where urban hustle meets spiritual healing.


SF born and bred, SyncSF values ongoing collaboration with like-minded social equity and wellness brands to co-create a variety of therapeutic products targeting all demographics.


Cannabis is Community.

SyncSF is on a mission to enhance the lives of our community members through the responsible use of cannabis. We aim to cultivate a lifestyle that elevates the mind and body through education and implementation of alternative medicine and modalities. We’re here to erase the cultural stigma of "Marijuana.” Most importantly, we believe in inclusivity and envision a world where no one is left without access to plant medicine

Not only do we bring high quality flower to market, we work with other brands to help them do the same without alienating members of our communities.


Small Batch.

Each local small batch guarantees our patients are smoking the freshest Bay Area flower designed with ancient plant wisdom in mind. Enjoy products that promote our collective wellbeing while also supporting the Bay Area cannabis community. Are you a local grower wanting to share your crop with the community? We’d love to chat about partnering up.


Equity Trade Certified

Sync is proud to be a Bay Area Equity Brand founded by a 4th generation San Franciscan. Our goal is to lift up our community and other equity applicants who were negatively impacted by the war on drugs. Contact us to chat about ways we can work together to destigmatize cannabis and reframe the way the world looks at this plant.


SyncSF is a proud

Equity Grant Winner.

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